Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Drink Water

Water is the substance of life. Life cannot exist without water. Our body is comprised of over 70% of water. Water plays a vital role in nearly every bodily function.
Drinking water is a good health habit.We should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.Water helps us in various ways like: to loose over weights, to keep our heart healthy,to get good looking healthy skin, to get rid of digestive problems and so on. We can also cure our headaches by drinking water because dehydration is one of the common reason of headache.Drinking lots of water can also reduce the risk of bladder cancer b 50% and potentially reduce breast cancer too.
Water is probably the best choice for rehydration because it's cheap and has no calories or added ingredients.Sweetened soft drinks and sodas have added sugar that adds extra calories but no additional nutritional value. Sports drinks contain minerals that may help keep your electrolytes in balance, which is good for recovering after a hard work out, but look out for added sugar and calories that you may not want.
Hence drinking fresh water is the best choice.

Cell Phone

Cell phones are having a great influence in our live and are very convenient to keep with us. Cell phones are a faster and more effective way to transfer information. Indeed, it is a resource that gives its user’s great advantages.Nowadays, cell phones are not just phone calls; they’re about messaging, video, songs, games, alarm clock, notes, calendar, reminder, etc. So one equipment, lots’ of uses!
Nothing more than a cell phone comes to great help in emergency. You are driving by the freeway and the vehicle jams and cell phone comes to your rescue. You are stuck in a lone place, again call somebody and ask for directions.
Although cell phone use can be dangerous while driving but sometimes it can be a time-saver - you are driving and simultaneously discussing some urgent matter as well. A sensible and only urgent usage during driving can be a great help at times.
Using a lot mobile phone can harm your brain, particularly teenager and children who are under 16 years old. If you use mobile phones too much, you will get bad effects like dizzy, blood-brain barrier, or ears problems. In addition, when you use mobile phones while you are driving, you will get an accident. It is essential not good for you and others. Moreover, “radiations emitted from the phone are dead harmful for the eardrum”, has proved by many scientist. 

Interesting facts

It's all about the dog.
A puppy is born blind, deaf, and toothless.
Puppies are sometimes rejected by their mother if they are born by cesarean and cleaned up before being given back to her. 
Apple and pear seeds contain arsenic, which may be deadly to dogs.
The only sweat glands a dog has are between the paw pads.
Dogs have better hearing than humans and cats. They can register sounds of 35,000 vibrations a second (compared to our 20,000 and a cat's 25,000).
The tallest dogs are the Great Dane and the Irish Wolfhound. The smallest dogs are the Chihuahua, the Yorkshire Terrier and the Toy Poodle.
Dogs have a wet nose to collect more of the tiny droplets of smelling chemicals in the air.Man has about 5 million smelling receptors, but that's not much when compared to to some dog breeds: A Dachshund has 125 million, whilst an Alsatian has 220 million.
There are an estimated 400 million dogs in the world.
More than 1 in 3 American families own a dog.

Did you knon this?

One of the beautiful creature of nature, Butterfly, can see red, yellow and green!!
Butterfly wings are transparent.A butterfly wing is actually formed by layers of chitin, the protein that makes up an insect'.
Butterflies taste with their feet. Butterfly feet are actually tiny receptors which allow them to "taste" the food that they are standing on.
They range in size from a tiny 1/8 inch to a huge almost 12 inches.
Butterflies can't fly if they're cold.They cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.

Did you know that monarch butterflies go through four generations each year? The first three generations hatch from their cocoon state (also known as the pupa or chrysalis state) and live for up to six weeks, but the fourth generation continues to live on for up to six or eight months so that they can migrate to a warmer climate, hibernate, and then start a new first generation in the spring time.

Did you know that monarch butterflies are poisonous? They won’t harm humans, but the chemicals from the milkweed plant that they eat when they are in the larvae stage builds up inside of them and gives them a poisonous defense against predators like frogs, birds, mice and lizards.

A friend and Friendship

A lot of people go through life with only a few friends. It seems that some have less than that. They have no one on whom they can call in good times or bad. There is no one with whom to bounce ideas around, or to talk about deep and troubling subjects. They have no one to call in times of need or difficulty. They are at the mercy of life, standing alone.
Friendship is a blessing...
Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow. Friends will cheer us when we’re sorrowful or depressed. Friends will challenge us to attain our orginal limits with encouragement when we allow ourselves not to go beyond our reasonable boundaries. Friends will motivate us when we’re ready to give in, and they can provide for us when life falls apart. Friends are there when all is well, and we want someone with whom to share life’s pleasant and memorable moments. We often just want them around, to have a good time, to laugh, to act silly, to enjoy some mutually liked activity. In how many ways have friends enriched our lives and made us feel loved, accepted, respected and cared for? Probably, too many to list, and the list grows daily. 
Friendship is everlasting...
Friendship is courage...


The festival that all Nepali in or out of Nepal await, the festival that binds us as one is Dashain. Dashain is the longest and the most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual calendar, celebrated by Nepalese of all caste and creed throughout the country.Dashain is the festival that belongs to all Nepalis,regardless of creed, ethnicity or religion. As the entire nation goes on a week-long holidays, this is a time of celebration for all.A time to forget about work and pending assignments,a time to spend hours around dinning tables eating, laughing and talking, a time to spend with family and friends, a time to have fun.Dashain is the largest of all the festivals of Nepal and celebrated with great rejoice and zeal.
 During Dashain, we visit those relatives whom we have not visited for the rest of the year.The best part of Dashain is getting invited by our relatives to celebrate with them, receiving Tika and Jamara and blessing with lots of delicious food. We get new dresses, fly kites and play swing, enjoy the whole week-end,
leaving all the worries behind. Dashain is all about having fun.

My Sister

She is so irritating, but I want her to be with me always.We fight for the computer and remote and she wins because I dont want her to cry.
We generally fight, make-up, fight again and still bond never breaks.When i get less marks in my exam-report card, she always stepped in to defend me.
Whenever I come home late, she covers up for me.She complains about my dress choices, teases me alot and then she teaches me her ful-demo lessons.
She sings, she dances, pushes me to dance with her too.She is loveable as well as rude too.She always helped me on my studies.She makes me awake at 2:00am for my final exams.
Her those orders makes escape out from home(sometimes).
Sometimes, she acts like a child, she screams,"I love Cadbury", which pushes us back in time when we were 9.She is cute.

I love my sister and I miss her everyday.